Rigorous Honesty – VIDEO

I love recovery movies.  These movies typically include plots involving alcoholism, drug addiction, sex addiction, support groups, honesty, selfishness, selflessness, redemption, etc… that are the main theme in the movie. 

I finally watched the movie Flight which came out a few years ago. Below is a synopsis of the movie.

Commercial airline pilot Whip Whitaker (Denzel Washington) has a problem with drugs and alcohol, though so far he’s managed to complete his flights safely. His luck runs out when a disastrous mechanical malfunction sends his plane hurtling toward the ground. Whip pulls off a miraculous crash-landing… More that results in only six lives lost. Shaken to the core, Whip vows to get sober — but when the crash investigation exposes his addiction, he finds himself in an even worse situation.
What I saw in this movie was the healing power of finally stepping out of denial and practicing rigorous honesty with ourselves and with others.  This is exactly what we do in Castimonia in our program.  We stop lying and start being honest, even when we have a slip or relapse.  We have come to understand that rigorous honesty is more important that our sobriety in the program.  If we are not honest, we are not sober, even if we haven’t slipped or relapsed.  If we are not honest, then we are simply a “dry drunk” white-knuckling through recovery.  Rigorous honesty is tough, something that I personally have to practice on a daily basis.  For the man in this film, when he finally became honest, he gave everything up in doing so.  THIS is the level of rigorous honesty we must achieve, to be honest even when it means we may lose everything! 

I hope you enjoy watching this video as much as I enjoyed creating it.  As always, take what you like and leave the rest.

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