Even There


O Come, O Come Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee O Israel.”

     Similar to the Israelites journey out of Egypt, I lived as a prisoner to the Pharaoh of addiction for the first quarter of my life. I’d always known I had serious issues, and that my world was totally unmanageable, but I felt powerless to change. If I’m honest, there was a big part of me that didn’t really want to leave behind the “pleasures of Egypt” and, while I would often beg God to free me from my captivity, my divided heart could never take my feet beyond the shore of the Red Sea. Looking back now, I can see how the Lord was with me all along, but I wanted Him to come as a magician, not a Great Physician (Luke 5:31). I wanted a microwaveable miracle rather than a painful process of collaborative-cleansing; comfort over change. But just as Moses was born during a horrible hour of enslavement, the birth of Christ was a prophetic promise of spiritual emancipation, which is why I love “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”

     This song is essentially the story of my life, and the age-old testimony of humanity.  It reminds us that while we were slaves to sin, precious little baby Emmanuel descended from Heaven “to proclaim liberty to the captives…[and] to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). Perhaps you find yourself battling with some besetting sin this advent season. May the lyrics of this song encourage your weary heart. “Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.” Our freedom was the very reason that Christ was born; He loves you and will never forsake you. After all, Emmanuel means “God with us,” and so in our sin-struggles, addictions, and brokenness, Emmanuel is with us even there. Dear friends, open your hearts today and joyfully receive the gift of His sacred presence. No matter where you find yourself, Emmanuel is with you even there (Psalm 139:7-12).

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